What types of lectures are possible?

No matter whether you are a primary school pupil or a CEO – I give lectures for every audience. The size of the audience is flexible. From a school auditorium to a conference room to a cinema or a photography or film festival, my lectures can be given anywhere and for everyone.

I have many different lectures, all about nature, adventures, our seas, environmental protection and animal welfare as a multivision show with videos, music and photographs.

In a conversation we will find together the suitable lecture for you and your event.

Can I invite Robert Marc Lehmann to my school/my child's for a school lecture?

Yes – no problem! If you are a teacher and interested in a lecture at your school or if you would like to win me over for your child’s school, just send me an e-mail and I will send you an Info-PDF with all the necessary information. I will then arrange concrete dates with you in a personal call.

Can I do an internship with Robert Marc Lehmann?

Unfortunately, no, because I am a ‘one-man business’ and not a company, which means that there are no fixed tasks that I could give you. Unfortunately, my daily work is anything but regular – from answering e-mails to hunting poachers – everything is included. Unfortunately, it is not possible to accompany me at work.

From time to time there is the possibility to support me in various projects (often on a voluntary basis), for example as a professional (underwater) cameraman, photographer or as an experienced scientific diver for research projects.

What career path do I have to follow to become the same as Robert Marc Lehmann?

Saving the world is not a question of the profession, but of personal commitment!

Through years of hard work and a combination of my skills as a marine biologist and scientific diver, photographer and camera man, adventurer and speaker, etc. I am where I am today.

When it comes to environmentalism, you must never forget that there is almost no money involved: I do a lot out of conviction, not because of the payment.

As a wildlife filmmaker and photographer, you need a lot of patience. Really good pictures are rare and even for an outstanding image you usually get recognition instead of money. To earn money with environmentalism and animal welfare is incredibly difficult and actually only possible as a scientist or engineer, e.g. if you do research on behalf of an institution or develop technologies.

I highly recommend, for example after graduating from school, before studying or training: to volunteer for various animal and environmental protection projects are all over the world. An important tip from me: google the volunteer projects in English, you will find a much larger offer. However, most of the time all costs have to be paid by the volunteers themselves. You will be rewarded with experience and the good feeling of having done something for the future of our planet.

Is it still ok to eat fish (or seafood)?

For our oceans it would be better not to do it, or to limit consumption strongly (My opinion! – not the opinion of some fishery ‚experts‘!). If you want to eat fish, exactly inform yourself before, e.g. with fish guides or corresponding apps about the origin, the fishing area, method of catch, and the current stock. Buying the ‘right’ fish is extremely difficult these days.

Which fish can be eaten without doubts, from which fishing area, changes almost monthly.

The seas are already mercilessly overfished, and industrial fishing has other mostly invisible consequences: unwanted by-catch, ghost nets that get lost and in which all sorts of animals get caught, etc.

In addition, micro plastic has been detected in almost all fish and marine life, which we as humans consume through the consumption of fish and seafood. Micro plastic was detected in humans for the first time at the end of 2018. The consequences of that for us remain unknown.
In addition, plastics also release softeners into the sea, which influence the reproductive ability of many marine animals, especially fish, and this further minimizes fish stocks.

At present, around 1.3 billion people worldwide have to eat fish because they have no other primary source of protein. What are these people doing when all our oceans are fished empty in 2040?

You want to make your life more sustainable – here are some everyday-tips?

It’s quite simple: If many people make a small contribution, the effect is big in the end! Basically, you always have to be aware that every decision to buy something, has an impact, not only on your own life or body, but also on the environment and it’s inhabitants. Every receipt is at the same time always a ball paper: a ball paper for our planet or against our planet, with which we support companies that pay attention to the environment – or companies that are only interested in profit.
When shopping, it is always advisable to ask yourself briefly whether you really need a product and whether there is perhaps a more sustainable alternative. Apps such as ‚Codecheck‘ or ‚ToxFox‘ can make your sustainable shopping very easy.

You can try to limit your own plastic waste production and palm oil consumption wherever possible! That’s not hard at all: you can simply take a textile bag with you to go shopping, buy unpacked fruits and vegetables and do without coffee-to-Go cups, straws and above all one-way plastics: such ‘little things’ add up when many people do it.

Our tap water in Germany is strictly controlled, it is not only healthier, but also much cheaper to refill your own reusable bottle than to buy plastic bottles.

Anyone who prefers bubbly water to still water can also buy a soda bubbler ... that’s more environmentally friendly and the annoying dragging of bottles is over. Instead of wrapping the bread in plastic or aluminum foil, use bees wax cloths. Such tips and tricks for a more environmentally conscious everyday life exist in the Internet innumerable …

You should also check whether cosmetic products contain micro plastics. In almost every drugstore, you can get plastic and micro plastic-free alternatives, which are biodegradable and vegan, and not more expensive than the environmentally harmful products.
For example, please do not buy Q-tips with plastic handles, there are also some made of recycled paper: I promise you won’t notice any difference, but nature will! With your next toothbrush, grab the bamboo version and generally do not use a disposable razors and products. So everyone can become a full-time environmentalist in their everyday life without having to limit themselves. You do not have to renounce on everything, you just have to rethink.

In general, you can support the good cause in every profession and at every workplace: don’t buy plastic bottles – use water dispensers and drinking bottles, save electricity, prepare dishes without palm oil, etc.

You can do great things even with small deeds. It starts with separating garbage in one’s own household, continues with changing one’s consumer behavior and supporting volunteer projects. Keep your eyes open: Perhaps there is an environmental or animal conservation association near you that can use some help?

You want to support my projects?

There are several ways to do this. You have the appropriate professional skills in scientific diving, photography or filming? Then feel free to contact me.

I am always looking for suitable sponsors for my projects and adventures.

Of course you can also support me with equipment or a donation – these donations all flow into my nature conservation and animal welfare projects without exception.

You have an idea for a lecture at a school, a public institution or similar? Please do not hesitate to contact me!

Can I donate money?

I work partly without payment or spend all my energy on projects that cost more money than they bring in – everything to pursue one goal: to preserve our planet and especially the ocean and its inhabitants and to educate about it.

You want to support my projects? A meaningful contribution always helps me:

Robert Lehmann
IBAN: DE 96 370 100 500 529 142 509

PayPal: support@robertmarclehmann.com